Programming My Life - django
  1. Pytest, A Practical Guide

    At a local Python meetup, there were several attendees that weren't familiar with pytest, which gave me the idea to make this post as a primer on how I use pytest. This isn't going to be a comprehensive review of pytest and how to use it. For that, pick up …

  2. [TIL] Mocking Chained Calls

    At work last week, I was asked to write tests for code that reaches out to Twilio's verify service. Here is what that code looks like (from the Twilio docs):

    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
    verification = client.verify \
                         .v2 \
                         .services('VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') \
                         .verifications \
                         .create(to='+15017122661', channel='sms')

    I was able to …

  3. Strategies for a Long Running Side Project

    At DjangoConUS 2023, I gave a lighting talk with this title. It was a lot of fun, and I'd suggest you try to give a lightning talk if you haven't before. It's a great way to try giving a talk at a conference without having to commit to a full …