Programming My Life - python
  1. Mocking in Python tests

    For a while now, I've felt unsure about mocking in Python. It has helped me test in the past, but I've also seen a lot of smart people talk or write about its pitfalls.

    Recently, I had to test some functionality around calls to Twilio, so I decided to investigate …

  2. Python Reference Talks

    While trying to get more familiar with Django, I started watching talks from DjangoCon from the last few years. I can’t seem to find the talk, but one of them had a list of great Python/Django talks, which inspired me to create me own list (with some definite …

  3. Grocery List App and Flask Deployment Issues

    In addition to starting this blog, I wanted to build some small projects to get some experience with technologies I am not currently using at work. Since I’m currently using Django at work, I decided to create a small Grocery List application using Flask and DynamoDB. You can find …