For the tl;dr instructions, feel free to skip to the last two paragraphs.
Years ago, I used SourceTree for visualizing my git graph. At some point, SourceTree became bloated and I really didn't like the direction it went, so I looked around for alternatives. I forget if I settled …
Since my last post on aliases, I've added a few new aliases. Two are from Boost Your Django DX, which I'd highly recommend. The first is a straight cut from the book:
alias pip="python -m pip"
Using python -m pip instead of pip ensures you are using the version …
While trying to get more familiar with Django, I started watching talks from DjangoCon from the last few years. I can’t seem to find the talk, but one of them had a list of great Python/Django talks, which inspired me to create me own list (with some definite …
In addition to starting this blog, I wanted to build some small projects to get some experience with technologies I am not currently using at work. Since I’m currently using Django at work, I decided to create a small Grocery List application using Flask and DynamoDB. You can find …