Programming My Life - Django
  1. [TIL] Django Admin Permissions, etc.

    So far in my main project (more on that to come), the only users of the admin have been myself and my cofounder, so I've made us both superusers. Recently, I had a request to allow an instructor to view and update data from their own courses. This would require …

  2. Code Formatting Configs in Django

    There are a few code formatting tools I like to use in just about any Python (and Django) project: black, isort, and flake8. These all serve slightly different purposes, and there are alternatives to each. A full discussion/comparison of code formatting tools in Python is beyond the scope of …

  3. AWS presigned URLS in Django

    I found the documentation for presigned URLS on AWS using boto to be insufficient, so here is how I formed the request.

    I wanted to have a file private in S3, but expose it to a user for download if they were authorized to access it. I found the easiest …