Programming My Life
  1. Hyperion

    This book was darker than I expected, but I enjoyed it. I also didn't realize how old it was until I looked up some information about it midway through. It holds up incredibly well for being published in 1989! While I did enjoy reading the book, I'll have to hold …

  1. Balatro

    I’ve been playing this recently on my iPad, and I really appreciate the depth of the game design, starting from such a simple concept (poker hands modified by jokers, and some other cards/systems). The theming is also so well done (mostly consisting of the art/gameplay effect/naming …

  1. Arcane Season 2

    The show is incredible, visually. I think the writing is good in a lot of ways, but I found myself unsure why certain things were happening. In hindsight, I could come up with justifications, but after a few of these instances I realized the show was moving a little too …

  1. How to Make the Best Coffee at Home

    This is a good reference book for understanding how to improve coffee preparation. It would be much more valuable to someone who hasn’t watched a lot of James Hoffmann’s youtube videos, but even as someone who has watched a lot of them, I think this book serves as …

  1. The World Atlas of Coffee

    I really enjoyed reading this book. The first half discusses coffee: beans, preparation, etc. The second half is what the title describes: discussion of what to expect of coffee from each major country that produces it (along with some history of the industry in those locations).

  1. Ultralearning

    I thought this book had some very good insights on how to learn. While ultralearning is an intense method to learn (usually) difficult subjects more quickly, I think the lessons in this book can be applied to less intense studying plans. If you plan to teach yourself anything in the …

  1. The Hard Thing about Hard Things

    I saw this book recommended in a few places so I listened to it as an Audiobook before I realized the author was a cofounder of Andreesen-Horowitz. I mention this becuase this book is clearly not for me. Maybe it has good information for someone founding a venture backed startup …